Past Information 2023年
- 2023/04/28
- The selling price will be revised for orders received on and after July 1st. Please refer to the price list page for the revised prices.
- 2023/04/13
Notice of long vacation
We will be closed from 29 Apr.(Sat) to 30 May.(Sun), and 03 May.(Wed) to 07 May.(Sun). We will start normal business from 08 May.(Mon).
- 2022/12/01
Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from 29 Dec 2022., and will Re-open on 05 Jan 2023.
- 2022/08/09
Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from 11 Aug., and will Re-open on 18 Aug.
- 2022/06/15
There are models that end repair support at the end of March 2025. Please check the target model on the Discontinued model page.
- 2022/04/19
Notice of long vacation
We will be closed from 29 Apr.(Fri) to 1 May.(Sun), and 03 May.(Tue) to 08 May.(Sun). We will start normal business from 09 May.(Mon).
- 2021/12/29
New Year Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from 29 Dec. 2021, and will Re-open on 5 Jan. 2022.
- 2021/07/06
The feed performance calculation form has been updated. Added the item of material weight to the feed performance table of R, J series.
- 2021/05/25
The error code of the current model has been added.
- 2021/04/22
Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from 29 Apr. & 1 - 5 May., 8 - 9 May.
- 2020/10/14
A40A roller option has been added. Details can be found in this document.
- 2020/08/07
Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from 8 Aug., and will Re-open on 17 Aug.
- 2020/04/17
Holidays Announcement.
The office and factory will be closed on April 29 and from May 3 to May 6. Business will resume from May 7.
- 2020/01/23
Added a page for technical materials. The materials of "Release mechanism operation confirmation chart" and "Multi-layer operation feed, example of setting memory bank use" are posted.Currently, it is only published in Japanese. Thank you for your understanding.
- 2019/12/03
New Year Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from Dec.28.2019, and will Re-open on Jan.05.2020.
- 2019/11/12
Bussiness hours of Nov.29.2019 is up to 15:30.
Appreciate your understanding.
- 2019/10/07
Added the A-A series Feed Performance Computing Form.
- 2019/07/02
There are models that end repair support at the end of March 2020. Please check the target model on the Discontinued model page.
- 2019/06/21
The Feed Performance Computing Form has been updated.It has become possible to calculate the feed performance by entering the feed time. It can be switched and used when the input at feed effective angle is difficult.
- 2019/05/20
We enter our products in MF-Tokyo 2019. For details, please see another page.
- 2019/04/24
Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from 28.Apr.2019, and will Re-open on 07.May.2019.
- 2019/02/28
We have updated the Feed Performance Computing Form so as to display the margin of material acceleration in the performance table by entering the target feed length.
- 2019/01/09
A detailed explanation page about the serial communication function of the data bank MP6 has been added.
Click here for details
- 2018/12/19
New Year Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be Becoming on vacation from Dec.29.2018, and will Re-open on Jan.06.2019.
- 2018/11/14
M series catalogs and specifications note can now be downloaded.
Download it here.
- 2018/11/13
Bussiness hours of Dec. 14, 2018 is up to 15:30. Appreciate your understanding.
- 2018/10/31
As a new option, we will sell the feed condition measurement TC6.
See another page
- 2018/10/30
An article was posted on the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on Oct 22.
The content of the article is here.
- 2018/10/30
M series articles were published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on Oct 19.
The content of the article is here.
- 2018/10/19
The installation manual of the current model has been added to the download page.
Download it here.
- 2018/10/15
We have started selling the M series as the successor to the MS-C series.
- 2018/10/01
The setting method of the release mode of J series, R series, and T series will be changed.
another page
- 2018/08/02
Detailed explanation page of multistage feed function of data bank MP6 was added.
another page In addition, the number of settings such as feed length, feed angle, release condition etc. was changed from 20 sets to 99 sets.
- 2018/04/16
- We will terminate sales of the MS-C series with the end of March.
Regarding the successor models, we plan to start selling this autumn.
- 2018/04/01
- The optional remote box has been minor changed. It will rename from RC6 to RC6A accordingly.
- 2017/12/19
- New Year Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be closed from Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2017 and will reopen on Wednesday, January 5th, 2018.
- 2017/12/19
- We began selling TJ06 and TJ15 as a new lineup of T series.
- 2017/11/20
- We will sell "A series" as a new product. .
- 2017/10/25
- Bussiness hours of Dec.11.2017 is up to 15:30.
Appreciate your understanding.
- 2017/06/06
Feed Calculation Form has been updated. With the specified press speed, you can now check the angle required for release operation.
- 2017/04/21
- The download materials of the product catalog and specifications have been updated.
Download it here.
- 2017/04/20
- We enter our products in MF-Tokyo 2017. For details, please see another page.
- 2017/02/23
The logic of work(material) shortage output was changed. Please refer to the document. The document also includes the suggestion of connecting method to the press machine.
- 2017/02/21
The feed performance calculation form of each model was posted. Details of feed performance with respect to press speed can be confirmed by entering conditions in this form.
- 2016/12/27
- New Year Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be closed from Thursday, Dec 29th, 2016 and will reopen on Friday, January 6th, 2017.
- 2016/11/02
- As a new product, we will start from November to sell the two models of the "T series" .
- 2016/11/07
- 2016 December 2 (Friday) will be taken as to 15:30 business hours by our company circumstances. Humbly thank you.
- 2016/10/03
- At the end of October to end the sale of HS-B series and the GT40 & GL110 .H series and the New G series is the successor model.
- 2016/09/02
- As a new product, we will start from November to sell the two models of the "H series" and "New G series".
- 2016/07/21
- As a new product, We have started selling two models of the "J series" and "R series".
- 2015/12/15
- New Year Holidays Announcement.
Our office and factories will be closed from Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2015 and will reopen on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016.
- 2015/11/16
- Bussiness hours of Dec.11.2015 is up to 15:30.
Appreciate your understanding.
- 2015/04/30
- We enter our products in MF-Tokyo 2015. For details, please see another page.
- 2015/03/16
- Abolished the option MF100 of HS-B series.
- 2014/11/13
- With a March 2017 there is a model to finish the repair correspondence.Please make sure the Applicable models in the production end models page.
- 2013/05/01
- We enter our products in MF-Tokyo 2013. For details, please see another page.
- 2015/03/16
- Abolished the option MF100 of HS-B series.
- 2013/01/30
- With a March 2013 there is a model to finish the repair correspondence.Please make sure the Applicable models in the production end models page.
- 2012/09/19
- 1000spm compatible models of NC gripper feeder,added the GT40 as new models.
Click here for details.
- 2012/08/08
- 新製品 GT40の記事が、7月20日の日刊工業新聞に掲載されました。
記事の内容はこちら Webの準備も進めております。もうしばらくお待ち下さい。
- 2012/06/14
- HS-Bシリーズ専用のオプションとして、プレス回転追従送り速度設定ユニット MF100 を販売致します。
- 2012/04/25
- RF-Aシリーズのオプションとしてラインナップしておりました、
- 2012/02/10
- HS-Bシリーズの新製品として、HS50B(材料幅50mm)を販売致します。
2012年3月頃販売予定です。 詳細はこちら。
- 2011/06/06
- We enter our products in MF-Tokyo 2011. For details, please see another page.
- 2011/02/09
- RF-Aシリーズの新ラインナップとして、RF40A(材料幅400mm)を追加致しました。
- 2010/12/01
- オプション紹介ページにシリコンロールを追加致しました。詳細はこちら
- 2010/12/01
- 製品カタログのページにロールフィーダ総合カタログを追加致しました。(和文、英文のみ)
- 2010/09/17
- The movie about GL60 has beed uploaded into product guide page. Please see the page.
- 2010/06/11
- The Specifications of MS-C series is added to the page of product catalogs (Japanese only).
- 2010/03/01
- The specification of the power supply and the signal cable was changed. please see the page
- 2009/12/11
- A demonstration movie about the option "separate roll" for RF series. Please see the page of this option.
- 2009/11/12
- A new products "MS-C series" is presented. It's planned to be on sale on Jan., 2010. For more details, please see the page.
- 2009/10/08
- The options "Separate Roll" and "Swing Cover" can be applied to RF15A and RF25A.For more details, please see the page.
- 2009/09/01
- We enter our products in MF-Tokyo 2009. For details, please see another page.
- 2009/05/29
- The whole site was renewed.
- 2008/10/01
- 2008/09/16
- 2008/05/14
- The movie about TRF202 has beed uploaded into product guide page. Please see the page.
- 2008/04/10
- カタログダウンロードのページにメジャーリングロールMR052のカタログと取扱説明(仕様書)を追加しました。
- 2008/04/02
- Measuring Roller MR052 of a new option product appeared. The option observes fed distance of material. Please see here about details.
- 2008/03/18
- カタログをダウンロード頂けるようになりました。このページからご利用頂けます。
- 2008/01/30
- HS-BシリーズおよびGシリーズに非常停止ボタンの出力機能を追加します(オプション対応となります)。詳細はこちら。
- 2007/11/07
- 過去の製品情報に一部機種を追加しました。
- 2007/09/04
- RF-Aシリーズに非常停止ボタンの出力機能を追加します(オプション対応となります)。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
- 2007/08/20
- 「製品保証、サービスについて」のページを一部修正しました。
- 2007/08/10
- RF205およびRF122の修理サービスを終了します。詳細はこちら。
これ以前のページに関しましては、 弊社旧ページ を参照願います。